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The accident compensation scheme provides comprehensive, no-fault personal injury cover for all New Zealand residents and visitors to New Zealand. This cover includes a contribution to the cost of primary care, but it does not meet all the costs.

  • ACC is Free to those 13 years and under. A standard surcharge applies to all other age groups for the ACC consultation with the practitioner at Crawford Medical.
  • The standard surcharge applies to all subsequent consultations with the practitioner.
  • There is a surcharge for consultations with the nurse for repeat dressings
  • There is no surcharge for children under thirteen years for ACC consultations.
  • Community Service Card Holders receive a reduced fee on production of their CSC Card.
  • An Additional Fee will be incurred at the weekend for all age groups.

The practitioner fills in your accident claim form for you and sends it electronically to ACC. We do this daily so that any suggested external treatment providers have access to your ACC number. Sometimes it can take ACC 24 hours to process the claim and longer on a weekend.

Your ACC claim is an insurance claim and it is the prerogative of the ACC to approve or reject your claim. If your claim is rejected you will be invoiced for the difference between the ACC surcharge and the fee for a medical consultation according to whether you are an enrolled patient or not.

Bring your child to the doctor, or attend the hospital emergency department, if your child:

  • seems more unwell
  • becomes unusually sleepy or is difficult to wake
  • has trouble breathing (is struggling to breath or breathing is fast or noisy)
  • has ongoing vomiting
  • is irritable and is not wanting to be held
  • complains of a stiff neck or light hurting eyes
  • has an unusual rash
  • has trouble drinking, or feeding
  • is not weeing as normal (for babies, their nappies remain dry or there are fewer than three wet nappies in 24 hours)
  • is in pain
  • doesn’t seem to be improving or you are concerned for any reason
  • has fever more than 5 days

Any fever in a child age under 3 months is an emergency and they must be seen immediately.

A fever over 38.3 in a child age 3- 6months is also a medical emergency.

For older children:

  • Fever may be an indication to bring your child to the doctor for examination.
  • Fever can help the body fight an infection, but it can also make your child feel uncomfortable.
  • If your child has a fever but is happy, you do not need to treat the fever.
  • If your child feels unwell with fever, you can treat with Paracetamol at the correct dose every 4-6 hours maximum 4 doses in 24 hours.

For after hours advice phone 5380083 your call will be put onto HML after hours nurse triage line

In case of an emergency please phone 111 for an ambulance

A sick baby is always very important. Ask for an urgent appointment for very young children or come into the clinic

At Crawford Medical Centre, our policy is to contact patients only when their results are abnormal, require medical review, necessitate telephone advice, or involve a change in medication.
We encourage all patients to register for the Patient Portal, which provides 24/7 access to your results, screenings, and recalls from anywhere in the world. To utilize this service, patients must be registered with Manage My Health, which is available exclusively to individuals aged 16 and older. Please note this is only available for patients aged over 16 years. We will not allow portal access to patients that share a family email as this would breach individual privacy rights.

For alternative inquiries, please call us at 09 538 0083 and press 3 to leave a message for the nurse to return your call.
Please be aware that test results are typically available the following day, though some tests may take up to a week. Your practitioner will review your results, and they will be accessible on the portal within two hours of review.

Our standard consultation time is 15 minutes. If you have a large number of health or complicated health issues or if you have a major lengthy concern to talk to your doctor about you may need to book a double appointment. This will help the doctor to be able to keep to his/her appointment times and provide you with the best possible medical care.
For good quality care a 15 minute consult can cover 1-2 problems generally, more than that and your doctor may need to rebook another appointment time.
A 15 minute consultation is enough for one person. Each person attending a consult that is seeking a medical consultation needs a separate appointment. You may be charged additional fee’s.
You can look on patient portals or call the triage nurse or email nurse@crawfordmedical.co.nz

If you have a loss of hearing and you are having difficulty making an appointment, register for our patient portal Manage My Health or email info@crawfordmedical.co.nz with a suggested appointment time and advise of hearing impairment. The receptionists can help you with your registration for online booking and portal access.

We will have it noted as an alert that your hearing is impaired on our system.

We can book for an interpreter in sign language from the interpreter service. We will need advance notice of two days to arrange for you.

Once you have enrolled with us, you will be entered into our recall system and our nurses will ensure you are reminded of your screening requirements for cervical screening, mammograms, immunisations, diabetes checks, weight assessments, blood pressure checks, and other health screening.
If you cannot get an appointment with a doctor who speaks your first language then please ask the receptionist to book an interpreter for you when you book your appointment. Patients cannot call direct.
The interpreter service is a free service to NZ citizens but you will need to book a double (30 minute) appointment as this service makes the appointment take longer.

For your clinical safety, we as a practice we do not endorse patients getting repeat prescriptions without review. However, we do appreciate there are times when this is necessary. Our minimum expectation is that you have seen a practitioner within the last six months to be able to request a repeat prescription. Our practitioners are bound by medico-legal responsibility to ensure safe prescribing, hence your request may be declined on some occasions and you will need to be seen by a practitioner.
Repeat prescriptions orders can be done via:

  1. From patient portal via Manage My Health
  2. Crawford website: www.crawfordmedical.co.nz
  3. Prescription Email, prescriptions@crawfordmedical.co.nz
  4. Telephone Prescription direct line telephone no: 09-5380121 and provide details on medication, chemist name and address.

Weekdays we endeavor to have your prescription ready within 48 hours. We will text you when it is available.
Prescriptions ordered on a Friday may be delayed until Tuesday due to practitioner’s availability.

Christmas and public holiday’s prescription orders need be ordered with more notice due to the influx in these busy periods.

A repeat prescription is not just an administration process where the script is printed off the computer. For each script a practitioner must review your medical record and consider the appropriateness of the medication prior to writing the script.

Prescription Charges – $27.00 (pick up in person or emailed to the pharmacy)

To avoid administration fee ($15.00), please settle payment upon collecting prescription. Please find Bank Account details below. Please state your Name and date of birth  as a reference.

ANZ Howick: 01-0170-0112566-00

All payments for services are required on the day of your consultation. If you are not in the practice on the day the service was provided, then payment is due on receipt of your invoice. If you do not pay within 14 days of the date of service, we may charge you an administrative fee. If your amount remains outstanding, we may charge other administration fee’s to cover the cost of following up on your outstanding balance.
Free for Enrolled Children Thirteen-years and Under

The Ministry of Health provides funding via the ‘Under Fourteen’ initiative to support general practices to provide free primary health care to enrolled children under fourteen. This funding is to support the provision of standard general practice consultations.

Crawford Medical does not charge any additional surcharge on a Saturday for under fourteen in keeping with the spirit of this government policy.

Crawford Medical will collect, store and use information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and the Health Information Privacy Code 2020.

We have a combination of electronic and paper-based records and all health care information is kept confidential to each individual patient.

When required and with your knowledge, we will send information about you to specialists or other health professionals where appropriate.

For any family members seeking an individual’s heath information we will need to be provided with a signed third party consent or a health power of attorney document.

All employees are required to undergo Code of Rights and Health Information Privacy training and refresher training regularly. All Staff sign a Confidentiality Agreement.

For more information on the Privacy Code and your rights go to http://www.privacy.org.nz/

We appreciate your comments and will use your feedback to support improvements. We have a comments box in the foyer next to the pharmacy.
There are certain rights that you have as a patient and they are detailed in the Patient Rights brochure. If you feel unhappy about your experience please provide us with feedback by completing the form here. Or alternatively please email any concerns to info@crawfordmedical.co.nz You also have the right to take your complaint directly to an independent advocate at any stage. You can contact the Health and Disability Advocacy service on 0800112233
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